Player: Adrian Krzyżan
Team: Nawias ostry lewostronny
Codex: Chaos Space Marines
Detachment: Slaves to darkness
Points 1970
- Assasination: 16
- Bring it Down: 2
HQ1: Chaos lord in Terminator Armor [95]: Undevided, Combi bolter, Exalted Weapon, Warlord
HQ2: Heretic Astartes Daemon Prince with Wings [210]: ENHANCMENT: Intoxicating Elixir, Slanesh, Hellforged weapons, infernal cannon
HQ3: Master of Possession [80pts]: Slanesh, staff of possesion
HQ4: Sorcerrer [60 pts]: Nurgle, bolt pistol, force weapon, infernal gaze
BTL1: Legionaries[90pts]: Nurgle, 1x Astartes chainsword + boltpistol, 1x Havoc autocannon, 3x boltgun
BTL2: Legionaries[90pts]: Slanesh, 1x Astartes chainsword + plasma pistol, 1x plasmagun, 3x Astartes chainsword + boltpistol
INF1: Chaos Terminator Squad: Undivided, 6x Accursed weapon and combi-bolter, 1x Heavy flamer + powerfist, 1x Reaper autocannon + accursed weapon, 2x power fist + combi-bolter
INF2: Havocs [135 pts]: Nurgle, 1x Havoc Champion: Plasma gun, 2x Lascannon, 2x Reaper chaincannon
INF3: Obliterators 2x [170 ots]: Nurgle
INF4: 10x Possesed [280pts]: Slanesh
VH1: Defiler[190pts]: Nurgle, Defiler cannon, Reaper autocannon, defiler claws, defiler scourge
VH2: Forgefiend[180 pts]: Nurgle, 2x Esctopasma cannons, 1x Ectoplasma cannon and limbs