Player Name: Kuba
Team Name: Delta szwadron super cool komando wilków alfa
Factions Used: Custodes
Army Points: 1995/2000
Army Enhancements (list on which model): Veiled blade - Blade champion
Detachment Rule: Shield Host
HQ1: Trajann Valoris: Warlord, Watcher's axe 160 pts (wali z axa)
HQ2: Blade Champion: Enchantment: Veiled blade, 145 pkt
HQ3: Shield-Captain in Allarus Terminator Armour: Castellan Axe, Balistus granade launcher, 140 pkt
HQ4: Blade Champion, 120 pkt
HQ4: Agents of the Imperium: Vindicare Assasin 80 pts
Custodian Guard Squad: 5x Custodian Guard: Guardian spear 250 pkt
Custodian Guard Squad: 4x Custodian Guard: Guardian spear 200 pkt
Custodian Guard Squad: 4x Custodian Guard: Guardian spear 200 pkt
Prosecutors: 1x Prosecutor Sister Superior, 3x Prosecutor (4xbolter) 40 pts
Prosecutors: 1x Prosecutor Sister Superior, 3x Prosecutor (4xbolter) 40 pts
Allarus Custodians: 2x Allarus: Guardian spear, Balistus granade launcher, 140 pkt
Venerable Land Raider: Armoured tracks, 2x Godhammer lascannon, Hunter-killer missile, Storm bolter, Twin heavy bolter 240 pkt
Venerable Land Raider: Armoured tracks, 2x Godhammer lascannon, Hunter-killer missile, Storm bolter, Twin heavy bolter 240 pkt