Name: William „Willking“ Fuhrimann
Army: Tau Empire
List Name: Damage
Points: 1990
Warlord: Shadowsun
Enhancments: Exemplar of the Kauyon (Coldstar Commander)
Assasinate: 4 Characters
Bring it Down: 46
Detachment: Kauyon
Commander Farsight (90 Points)
• 1x Dawn Blade
1x High-intensity plasma rifle
Commander Shadowsun (100 Points)
• Warlord
• 1x Advanced Guardian Drone
1x Battlesuit fists
1x Command-link Drone (Aura)
1x Flechette launcher
2x High-energy fusion blaster
1x Light missile pod
1x Pulse pistol
Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit (125 Points)
• 1x Battlesuit fists
1x Marker Drone
1x Plasma rifle
3x Plasma rifle
1x Shield Drone
• Enhancements: Exemplar of the Kauyon
Firesight Team (70 Points)
• 1x Close combat weapons
1x Longshot pulse rifles
1x Pulse pistol
Broadside Battlesuits (90 Points)
• 1x Broadside Shas’vre
• 1x Crushing bulk
1x Heavy rail rifle
2x Missile Drone
1x Seeker missile
1x Twin plasma rifle
Crisis Battlesuits (360 Points)
• 1x Crisis Shas’vre
• 1x Battlesuit fists
1x Plasma rifle
2x Plasma rifle
2x Shield Drone
1x Shield Generator
• 5x Crisis Shas’ui
• 5x Battlesuit fists
5x Plasma rifle
10x Plasma rifle
10x Shield Drone
5x Shield Generator
Crisis Battlesuits (360 Points)
• 1x Crisis Shas’vre
• 1x Battlesuit fists
1x Cyclic ion blaster
2x Cyclic ion blaster
1x Marker Drone
1x Shield Drone
1x Shield Generator
• 5x Crisis Shas’ui
• 5x Battlesuit fists
10x Cyclic ion blaster
5x Cyclic ion blaster
10x Shield Drone
5x Shield Generator
Ghostkeel Battlesuit (160 Points)
• 1x Battlesuit Support System
1x Cyclic ion raker
1x Ghostkeel fists
1x Twin fusion blaster
Piranha (55 Points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Piranha fusion blaster
2x Seeker missile
2x Twin pulse carbine
Riptide Battlesuit (180 Points)
• 1x Ion accelerator
2x Missile Drone
1x Riptide fists
1x Twin plasma rifle
Riptide Battlesuit (180 Points)
• 1x Ion accelerator
2x Missile Drone
1x Riptide fists
1x Twin plasma rifle
Stealth Battlesuits (60 Points)
• 1x Stealth Shas’vre
• 1x Battlesuit Support System
1x Battlesuit fists
1x Fusion blaster
1x Gun Drone
1x Homing Beacon
1x Marker Drone
• 2x Stealth Shas’ui
• 2x Battlesuit fists
2x Burst cannon
Tetras (80 Points)
• 2x Tetra
• 2x Close combat weapons
4x Pulse rifle
Tetras (80 Points)
• 2x Tetra
• 2x Close combat weapons
4x Pulse rifle