PLAYER: Bogdan BRAVVL Jusiński WR331
Factions used: Necrons
Army Points: 2000
Warlord: Imotekh the Stormlord
Bring it Down: 10
Assasination: 28
== Awakened Dynasty Detachment == Necrons [2000 Points]
Catacomb Command Barge: Gauss Cannon, Overlord's Blade, Ressurection Orb [150pts]
Imotekh the Stormlord: Warlord [100pts]
Lord: Ressurection Lord's Blade, Ressurection Orb, ench: Hypermaterial Ablator [90pts]
Orikan the Diviner [80pts]
Royal Warden [40pts]
Technomancer [60pts]
Traqnscendent C'tan: ench: Sempiternal Weave [310pts]
20 Necron Warriors: 20x Gauss reaper [220pts]
Dedicated Transports:
Ghost Ark [125pts]
Other units:
Canoptek Reanimator [105pts]
2 Cryptothralls [60pts]
2 Cryptothralls [60pts]
5 Deathmarks [65pts]
1 Lokhust Destroyer [30pts]
1 Lokhust Destroyer [30pts]
10 Lychguard: 10x Dispersion Shield and Hyperphase Swords [230pts]
10 Triarch Praetorians: 10x Rod of Covenant [240pts]