Wojciech Inkq Szerlag
Castellan Crowe - 75
Purifier Squad - 10 models - Psycannon(2), Incinerator 260
Grey Knights Land Raider - Multi-Melta, Hunter Killer M, Storm Bolter 240
Brotherhood Techmarine - 60
Brotherhood Chaplain - Sigil of Exigence - 105
Paladin Squad - 5 models - Banner, Incinerator(3) 225
Grey Knights Land Raider Redeemer - Multi-Melta, Hunter Killer M, Storm Bolter 260
Brotherhood Librarian - First to the Fray - Combi-Weapon 135
Brotherhood Terminator Squad - 5 models - Banner, Incinerator, Apothecary 210
Strike Squad - 5 models - Psycannon 125
Grey Knights Razorback - Assault Cannon, Hunter Killer M, Storm Bolter 85
Purgation Squad - 5 models - Incinerator(4) 135
Grey Knights Razorback - Assault Cannon, Hunter Killer M, Storm Bolter 85
Total 2000