Marcel Wiśniewski [WR327]
Player Name: Marcel Wiśniewski, Brother Marcellus, WR327
Team Name: Breslauer Nationalmannschaft
Factions used: Chaos - Death Guard
Army Points: 2000
Army Enhancements: The Droning, Deadly Pathogen, Shamblerot
Detachment Rules: Plague Company
Number of Units: 19
Character Units: 6 (24vp)
Vehicle/Monster Models (Max Points): 6 (18vp)
HQ1:Typhus (100 pts)
• Warlord
HQ2:Biologus Putrifier (50 pts)
HQ3:Foul Blightspawn (50 pts)
HQ4:Foul Blightspawn (60 pts)
• The Droning (Aura)
HQ5:Lord of Virulence (115 pts)
• Deadly Pathogen
HQ6:Malignant Plaguecaster (90 pts)
• Shamblerot
BT1:Plague Marines (160 pts)
• Plague Champion
• Heavy plague weapon
Plasma gun
4xPlague Marine w/ bubotic weapons
4xPlague Marine w/ heavy plague weapon
Plague Marine w/ plague spewer
BT2:Plague Marines (160 pts)
• Plague Champion
• Heavy plague weapon
Plasma gun
4xPlague Marine w/ bubotic weapons
4xPlague Marine w/ heavy plague weapon
Plague Marine w/ plague spewer
OD1:Deathshroud Terminators (250 pts)
• 5xDeathshroud Terminator
Deathshroud Terminator Champion
OD2:Poxwalkers (100 pts)
• 20xPoxwalker
OD3:Poxwalkers (50 pts)
• 10xPoxwalker
OD4:Foetid Bloat-drone (100 pts)
• 2 plaguespitters
OD5:Plagueburst Crawler (165 pts)
• 2 plaguespitters
Heavy slugger
0D6:Plagueburst Crawler (165 pts)
• 2 plaguespitters
Heavy slugger
OD7:Plagueburst Crawler (165 pts)
• 2 plaguespitters
Heavy slugger
DT1:Death Guard Rhino (75 pts)
• Plague combi-bolter
DT2:Death Guard Rhino (75 pts)
• Plague combi-bolter
OD8:Nurglings (35 pts)
• 3xNurgling Swarm
OD9:Nurglings (35 pts)
• 3xNurgling Swarm