Darren Williamson
Empire of Sonnstahl
445 - Wizard, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Binding Scroll
385 - Wizard, Arcane Engine (Foresight), Wizard Adept, Pyromancy, Light Armour
375 - Inquisitor, Horse and Light Troops, Shield (Witchfire Guard), Hand Weapon (Hammer of Witches), Potion of Swiftness, Blessed Steel
345 - Prelate, General, Shield, Plate Armour (Imperial Seal), Hand Weapon (Death Warrant)
245 - Marshal, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield, Blacksteel, Obsidian Rock, Mantle of Ullor
516 - 11 Knightly Orders, Shield, Lance, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician, Champion
390 - 45 Heavy Infantry, Halberd, Parent Unit, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
220 - 15 Light Infantry, Crossbow, Musician
598 - 32 Imperial Guard, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Household Standard), Musician, Champion
320 - 10 Reiters, Repeater Gun
180 - 5 Reiters, Brace of Pistols
180 - 5 Reiters, Brace of Pistols
150 - Artillery, Imperial Rocketeer
150 - Artillery, Imperial Rocketeer