Petr Švehla
++ Army Roster (Xenos - Tyranids) [2,000pts] ++
+ Configuration +
Battle Size: 2. Strike Force (2000 Point limit)
Detachment: Synaptic Nexus
+ Character [230pts] +
Winged Hive Tyrant [230pts]: Monstrous Bonesword and Lash Whip, Synaptic Control [20pts], Tyrant talons, Warlord
+ Battleline [225pts] +
Gargoyles [75pts]
. 10x Gargoyles: 10x Blinding Venom, 10x Fleshborer
Gargoyles [75pts]
. 10x Gargoyles: 10x Blinding Venom, 10x Fleshborer
Gargoyles [75pts]
. 10x Gargoyles: 10x Blinding Venom, 10x Fleshborer
+ Infantry [295pts] +
Biovores [75pts]
. Biovore [75pts]: Chitin-barbed Limbs, Spore Mine Launcher
Neurolictor [65pts]: Piercing Claws and Talons
Neurolictor [65pts]: Piercing Claws and Talons
Pyrovores [30pts]
. Pyrovore [30pts]: Chitin-barbed limbs, Flamespurt
Pyrovores [30pts]
. Pyrovore [30pts]: Chitin-barbed limbs, Flamespurt
Pyrovores [30pts]
. Pyrovore [30pts]: Chitin-barbed limbs, Flamespurt
+ Swarm [20pts] +
Ripper Swarms [20pts]
. Ripper Swarm [20pts]: Xenos Claws and Teeth
+ Monster [1,230pts] +
Maleceptor [170pts]: Massive Scything Talons, Psychic Overload
Maleceptor [170pts]: Massive Scything Talons, Psychic Overload
Norn Assimilator [310pts]: Monsterous Scything Talons, Toxinjecter Harpoon
Norn Emissary [290pts]: Monsterous Rending Talons, Monsterous Scything Talons, Psychic Tendril
Norn Emissary [290pts]: Monsterous Rending Talons, Monsterous Scything Talons, Psychic Tendril
++ Total: [2,000pts] ++