Artur PO424
Player Name: Artur Grześ
Team Name: Synowie koleżanki twojej starej
Factions used: Xenos - T'au Empire
Army Points: 2000
Army Enhancements:
Detachment Rules: Kauyon
Number of Units: 19
Character Units (Models): 4 (4)
Vehicle/Monster Models (Max Points): 23 (49)
Aun'va (65 pts)
• Aun'va
2xEthereal Guard
Commander Shadowsun (100 pts)
• Warlord
Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit (125 pts)
• Exemplar of the Kauyon
High-output burst cannon
2xShield Drone
Commander in Enforcer Battlesuit (100 pts)
• Burst cannon
2xShield Drone
Breacher Team (90 pts)
• Breacher Fire Warrior Shas'ui
• 2xShield Drone
9xBreacher Fire Warriors
Breacher Team (90 pts)
• Breacher Fire Warrior Shas'ui
• 2xShield Drone
9xBreacher Fire Warriors
Vespid Stingwings (75 pts)
• 4xVespid Stingwings
Vespid Strain Leader
Kroot Hounds (30 pts)
• 4xKroot Hounds
Broadside Battlesuits (90 pts)
• Broadside Shas’vre
• Heavy rail rifle
Seeker missile
2xShield Drone
Twin plasma rifle
Broadside Battlesuits (90 pts)
• Broadside Shas’vre
• Heavy rail rifle
Seeker missile
2xShield Drone
Twin plasma rifle
Crisis Battlesuits (360 pts)
• 5xCrisis Shas’ui
• Cyclic ion blaster
2xCyclic ion blaster
2xShield Drone
Shield generator
Crisis Shas’vre
• Cyclic ion blaster
2xCyclic ion blaster
2xShield Drone
Shield generator
Crisis Battlesuits (180 pts)
• 2xCrisis Shas’ui
• Cyclic ion blaster
2xCyclic ion blaster
2xShield Drone
Shield generator
Crisis Shas’vre
• Cyclic ion blaster
2xCyclic ion blaster
2xShield Drone
Shield generator
Ghostkeel Battlesuit (160 pts)
• Battlesuit support system
Fusion collider
Twin T'au flamer
Piranha (55 pts)
• Piranhas
• Piranha fusion cannon
2xSeeker missile
Tetras (80 pts)
• 2xTetra
Tetras (80 pts)
• 2xTetra
Tetras (80 pts)
• 2xTetra
Devilfish (75 pts)
• 2 Twin pulse carbines
2xSeeker missile
Devilfish (75 pts)
• 2 Twin pulse carbines
2xSeeker missile