Adam Somers Vine
Army name: Adam Nids
Factions used: Xenos - Tyranids
Total cost: 1990 pts
Number of Units: 16
Character Units (Models): 3 (3)
Vehicle/Monster Models (Max Points): 8 (21)
== Invasion Fleet Army Roster 1990 pts ==
EH1: Deathleaper [70 pts]
EH2: Old One Eye [140 pts]
CH1: Hive Tyrant: Monstrous Bonesword and Lash Whip, Perfectly Adapted, Stranglethorn Cannon, Warlord [250 pts]
BL1: Termagants: 20xTermagants (Termagant Spinefist) [120 pts]
BL2: Termagants: 20xTermagants (Termagant Spinefist) [120 pts]
IN1: Biovores: Biovore [75 pts]
IN2: Pyrovores: Pyrovore [30 pts]
IN3: Pyrovores: Pyrovore [30 pts]
IN4: Zoanthropes: Neurothrope, 2xZoanthrope [110 pts]
IN5: Zoanthropes: Neurothrope, 2xZoanthrope [110 pts]
IN6: Zoanthropes: Neurothrope, 2xZoanthrope [110 pts]
MS1: Carnifexes: 2xCarnifex (Bio-plasma, Devourers with Brainleech Worms, Heavy Venom Cannon, Spine Banks) [250 pts]
MS2: Exocrine [135 pts]
MS3: Exocrine [135 pts]
MS4: Exocrine [135 pts]
MS5: Maleceptor [170 pts]