Michał "kuczek" Kuczkowski
* Player: Michał Kuczkowski “Kuczek”
* Factions used: Orks
* Army points: 2000
* Number of Units / Killpoints:
* Warlord: Warboss on Warbike
* Secondary Objectives Information
* Assassination: 16
* Bring it Down: 20
* No Prisoners:
* Abhor the Witch: 0
== ORKS – WAAAGH! TRIBE [ 2000 pts] ==
Warboss on bike (75 Points)
• Warlord
Beast boss (100) (shoota; beastchoppa; Beast Snagga klaw)
Deffkilla Wartrike (80)
Nob on smasha squig (65)
• 1x nob (1x slugga; big choppa; smasha squig jaws)
Boyz (170 Points)
• 1x Boss Nob (1x PK&Slugga)
• 2x Boy (2x RokittLauncha&CCW)
• 17x Boy (17x Choppa&Slugga)
Beast Snagga Boyz (105 Points)
• 1x Boss Nob (1x PK&Slugga)
• 8x Boy (8x Choppa&Slugga)
• 1x Boy (1x Thump gun)
Trukk (60 Points)
• 1x Big shoota; Spiked wheels; Wrecking' Ball
Trukk (60 Points)
• 1x Big shoota; Spiked wheels; Wrecking' Ball
Gretchin (40 Points)
• 1x Runtherd (1x Grot-smacka; Slugga)
• 10x Gretchin (10x Close combat weapon; Grot blasta)
Gretchin (40 Points)
• 1x Runtherd (1x Grot-smacka; Slugga)
• 10x Gretchin (10x Close combat weapon; Grot blasta)
Warbikers (140 Points)
• 1x Boss Nob on Warbike (PowerKlaw; Twin dakkagun)
• 5x Warbiker (5x Choppa; Twin dakkagun)
Squighog Boyz (110)
• 3x Sguighog boyz (3x saddlegit weapons; stikka; squighog jaws and saddlegits)
Megatrakk Scrapjet (90)
• 1x rokkit kannon; twin big shoota; wing missiles; nose drill
Nobz on bike (125)
• 3x PowerKlaw; Twin dakkagun
MegaNobz (150)
• 5x kustom shoota; power klaw
Lootas (100)
• 2x rokitt launcha, Close combat weapon
• 8x deffgunn; Close combat weapon
Battlewagon (185)
• 1x tracks and wheels
• 1x Kannon
• 4x Big shoota
• 1x Wrecking' Ball
Killa Kan (150)
• 3x rokitt launcha; Kan klaw
Deff Dread (130)
• 2x rokitt launcha; 2x dread klaws; stompy feet