++ **Pitched Battle GHB 2023-24** 2,000 (Order - Sylvaneth) [2,000pts] ++
+ Core Battalion +
Core Battalion: Battle Regiment
Core Battalion: Command Entourage: Extra Enhancement: Spell Lores, Magnificent
+ Leader +
Branchwych [110pts]: Command Entourage - 2-3 Sub-Commanders, Greenwood Scythe, Hoarfrost, Snapping Mandibles
Spirit of Durthu [350pts]: Battle Regiment - 1 Commander, Greenwood Gladius, Guardian Sword, Massive Impaling Talons, Verdant Blast, Wound Table
Treelord Ancient [330pts]: Command Entourage - 1 Commander, Doom Tendril Staff, Massive Impaling Talons, Sweeping Blows, Throne of Vines, Wound Table
Warsong Revenant [300pts]: Command Entourage - 2-3 Sub-Commanders, General, Regrowth, Spearing Vines, Spellsinger, Spirit Falchion, The Dwellers Below
+ Battleline +
Dryads [100pts]: 10 Dryads, Battle Regiment - 2-5 Troops, Wracking Talons
Tree-Revenants [110pts]: 5 Tree-Revenants, Battle Regiment - 2-5 Troops, Enchanted Blade, Glade Banner, Protector Glaive, Waypipes
Tree-Revenants [110pts]: 5 Tree-Revenants, Battle Regiment - 2-5 Troops, Enchanted Blade, Glade Banner, Protector Glaive, Waypipes
Tree-Revenants [110pts]: 5 Tree-Revenants, Battle Regiment - 2-5 Troops, Enchanted Blade, Glade Banner, Protector Glaive, Waypipes
+ Other +
Kurnoth Hunters with Greatswords [440pts]: 6 Kurnoth Hunters with Greatswords, Battle Regiment - 2-5 Troops, Kurnoth Greatsword, Reinforced
+ Allegiance +
. Allegiance: Sylvaneth: Gnarlroot
+ Game Options +
Battle Tactics (GHB2023-24)
Battle Tactics: Song of War
Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost
GHB 2023-24 Rules
Grand Strategy: Spellcasting Savant
Seasons of War: The Dwindling
+ Malign Sorcery +
Endless Spell: Spiteswarm Hive [40pts]
++ Total: [2,000pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)