- Army Faction: Seraphon
- Army Type: Coalesced
Add 1 to bite rolls made for COALESCED SAURUS and COALESCED KROXIGOR units with the Mighty Saurus Jaws, Saurus Jaws or Vice-like Jaws ability.
Subtract 1 from the damage inflicted (to a minimum of 1) by each successful attack that targets a friendly COALESCED unit that has the SAURUS, KROXIGOR or MONSTER keyword.
- Subfaction: Thunder Lizard
At the end of the charge phase, you can carry out 2 monstrous rampages with each friendly THUNDER LIZARD MONSTER instead of 1.
- Grand Strategy: Realmshaper Guardians
- Triumph: Indomitable
Lord Kroak (395)*
- Spells: Itzl’s Invigoration
Saurus Astrolith Bearer (140)*
Skink Oracle on Troglodon (270)**
- General
- Command Traits: Skilled Leader
- Artefacts of Power: Amulet of Destiny
- Spells: Light of Chotec
Skinks (85)
- Skink Alpha
- Boltspitter and Moonstone Club
Saurus Guard (130)*
- Saurus Guard Alpha
Saurus Guard (130)**
- Saurus Guard Alpha
- Icon Bearer
- War-drummer
Bastiladon with Solar Engine (265)*
Engine of the Gods (300)**
Aggradon Lancers (210)*
- Aggradon Lancer Alpha
- Icon Bearer
- War-drummer
- Celestite Spear
Terrawings (75)**
1 x Coalesced Realmshaper Engine (0)
*Battle Regiment
**Battle Regiment
TOTAL POINTS: 2000/2000