Amber Harvey
++ Army Roster (Imperium - Imperial Knights) [2,000pts] ++
+ Configuration +
Battle Size: 2. Strike Force (2000 Point limit)
Detachment: Noble Lance
Show/Hide Options: Agents of the Imperium are visible, Legends are visible, Titans are visible, Unaligned Forces are visible, Unaligned Fortifications are visible
+ Character +
Cerastus Knight Castigator [500pts]: Castigator bolt cannon, Mysterious Guardian, Tempest warblade, Warlord
Knight Crusader [470pts]: Avenger gatling cannon, Heavy flamer, Mythic Hero, Questoris heavy stubber, Stormspear rocket pod, Titanic feet
. Rapid-fire battlecannon and Questoris heavy stubber: Questoris heavy stubber, Rapid-fire battle cannon
+ Battleline +
Armiger Helverin [140pts]: Armiger autocannon, Armoured feet, Questoris heavy stubber
Armiger Helverin [140pts]: Armiger autocannon, Armoured feet, Questoris heavy stubber
Armiger Helverin [140pts]: Armiger autocannon, Armoured feet, Questoris heavy stubber
Armiger Helverin [140pts]: Armiger autocannon, Armoured feet, Questoris heavy stubber
Armiger Warglaive [150pts]: Meltagun, Reaper chain-cleaver, Thermal spear
Armiger Warglaive [150pts]: Meltagun, Reaper chain-cleaver, Thermal spear
+ Allied Units +
Vindicare Assassin [80pts]: Exitus pistol, Exitus rifle, Vindicare combat knife
callidus assasin 90
++ Total: [2,000pts] ++