Scotty H
Player Name: Scott Hodge
Team Name: Dutty Pigs
Factions Used: Grey Knights
Army Points: 2000
Army Enhancements: Sigil of Exigence (Grandmaster)
Detachment Rule: Teleport shunt (Teleport Strike Force)
Grand Master (125 pts)
• Nemesis force weapon + Psycannon
• Enhancement: Sigil of Exigence
Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight (200 pts)
• Gatling psilencer, heavy psycannon, Nemesis daemon greathammer
Kaldor Draigo (125 pts)
• Warlord
• Scourging, storm bolter, The Titansword
Brotherhood Terminator Squad (420 pts)
• 10x Brotherhood Terminator
• 1x Nemesis force weapon + Ancient’s Banner
• 2x Nemesis force weapon + Incinerator
• 1x Nemesis force weapon + Narthecium
• 6x Nemesis force weapon + storm bolter
Strike Squad (125 pts)
• 5x Nemesis force weapon + storm bolter
Paladin Squad (450 pts)
• 1x Paladin Ancient
• Nemesis force weapon + psycannon
• 9x Paladin
• 5x Nemesis force weapon + storm bolter
• 4x Nemesis force weapon + psycannon
3x Nemesis Dreadknight (185x3 = 555 pts)
• Gatling psilencer, heavy psycannon, nemesis daemon greathammer