William James Reed
Player: William Reed
Team: Pigs
Factions used: Deathguard, Chaos Knights, Chaos Deamons
Army Points: 1995
Number of units: 18
Pre-Game Upgrades: 0
Starting Command Points: 1 Warlord & Trait: Deathguard Daemon Prince: Arch-Contaminator
Army Trait: Nurgle’s Gift
Secondary Objectives Information Assassination = 20, Bring it Down = 28 (Max 20)
1 Mortarion [325pts]
1 Foul Blightspawn [50 pts]
1 Biologus Putrifier [50 pts] (Warlord)
10 Plague Marines [180 pts] Champion with Plasma Gun & Heavy Plague Weapon, 2 Plague Spewer, 4 Heavy Plague Weapon, 3 Bubotic Weapons
5 Plague Marines [90 pts] Champion with Plasma Gun & Heavy Plague Weapon, 2 Heavy Plague Weapon, 1 Plasma Gun, 1 Plague Spewer
5 Plague Marines [90 pts] Champion with Plasma Gun & Heavy Plague Weapon, 2 Heavy Plague Weapon, 1 Plasma Gun, 1 Plague Spewer
5 Plague Marines [90 pts] Champion with Plasma Gun & Heavy Plague Weapon, 2 Heavy Plague Weapon, 1 Plasma Gun, 1 Plague Spewer
10 Cultists [50pts] 1 Flamer, 1 Grenade Launcher, 1 Heavy Stubber
1 Rhino [75pts] Havoc Launcher, 2x Plague Combi-bolter
1 Rhino [75pts] Havoc Launcher, 2x Plague Combi-bolter
1 Predator Destructor [130pts]: Havoc Launcher, Plague Combi-bolter, 2x Lascannons
1 Predator Destructor [130pts]: Havoc Launcher, Plague Combi-bolter, 2x Lascannons
1 Predator Destructor [130pts]: Havoc Launcher, Plague Combi-bolter, 2x Lascannons
Allied Units:
1 War Dog Karnivore [140pts]: Havoc Multi Launcher
1 War Dog Karnivore [140pts]: Havoc Multi Launcher
1 War Dog Karnivore [140pts]: Havoc Multi Launcher
3 Nurglines [40pts]
1 Beast Of Nurgle [70]
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