KA311 Rollo
Gracz: Piotr Rollo Rolnik
ID: KA311
Army Faction: Kosmiczne Kurwa Wilki
Total Army Point: 2000
Bring it Down: 0
Assassination: 24
Stormlance Task Force
Ch1: Logan Grimnar on Stormrider, Warlord [180]
Ch2: Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf (100), Fury of the Storm (25), Thunder hammer, Relic Shield [125]
Ch3: Wolf Guard battle leader on thunderwolf (80), thunder hammer, storm shield, Portents of Wisdom (15) [95]
Ch4: Wolf Guard battle leader on thunderwolf (80), thunder hammer, storm shield, Hunters Instinctsc (10) [90]
CH5: Wolf Guard Battle leader (Lieutenant) with Combi-weapon [70]
Other Datasheets:
OD1: Thunderwolf Cavalry, Pack leader+ 5* cavalry, 6* storm shield [180]
OD2: Thunderwolf Cavalry, Pack leader+ 5* cavalry, 6* storm shield [180]
OD3: Thunderwolf Cavalry, Pack leader+ 2* cavalry, 3* storm shield [90]
OD4: Long Fangs, Pack leader+ 5* long fang, grav-gun, 5* grav-cannon, pawer fist [180]
OD5: Outraider Squad, Pack leader+ 2* outraiders [80]
OD6: Wulfens, 10* Wulfen, 10* Stormfrag auto-launcher, 10* Wulfen hammer, 10* Storm shield [160]
OD7: Wulfens, 10* Wulfen, 10* Stormfrag auto-launcher, 10* Wulfen hammer, 10* Storm shield [160]
OD8: Wulfens, 10* Wulfen, 10* Stormfrag auto-launcher, 10* Wulfen hammer, 10* Storm shield [160]
OD9: Drop Pod, Deathwind Launcher [70]
OD10: Fenrisian Wolves [30]
OD11: Fenrisian Wolves [30]
OD12: Fenrisian Wolves [30]
Allied Units:
AU1: Calidus Assassin [90]
Total: [2000 points]
I'm here to drink ALE and kick some assholes, and I'm all out of ALE!