Player: Grzegorz Grabski (Grzesław)
Team: Biel-Tan
Army name: Necrony
Factions used: Xenos - Necrons
Total cost: 1985 pts
Number of Units: 15
Character Units (Models): 6 (6)
Vehicle/Monster Models (Max Points): 4 (14)
== Hypercrypt Legion Army Roster 1985 pts ==
EH1: C'tan Shard of the Nightbringer [255 pts]
EH2: C'tan Shard of the Void Dragon [270 pts]
EH3: Imotekh the Stormlord [100 pts]
EH4: Orikan the Diviner [80 pts]
CH1: Chronomancer [50 pts]
CH2: Royal Warden: Arisen Tyrant, Warlord [65 pts]
BL1: Necron Warriors: 20xWarrior w/ gauss flayer [200 pts]
BL2: Necron Warriors: 20xWarrior w/ gauss reaper [200 pts]
IN1: Cryptothralls: 2xCryptothrall [60 pts]
SW1: Canoptek Scarab Swarms: 3xCanoptek Scarab Swarm [40 pts]
SW2: Canoptek Scarab Swarms: 3xCanoptek Scarab Swarm [40 pts]
SW3: Canoptek Scarab Swarms: 3xCanoptek Scarab Swarm [40 pts]
MO1: Lokhust Heavy Destroyers: 2xDestroyer w/ gauss destructor [100 pts]
VE1: Canoptek Doomstalker [135 pts]
VE2: Monolith: Four death rays [350 pts]