Anders Nøhr
++ Characters [639 pts] ++
Grand Master [295 pts]
(Hand weapon, Full plate armour, Shield, General, Demigryph, Ogre Blade, The White Cloak)
Wizard Lord [250 pts]
(Hand weapon, Level 4 Wizard, Pegasus, Ruby Ring of Ruin, Lore Familiar, Dark Magic)
Captain of the Empire [94 pts]
(Hand weapon, Full plate armour, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer, Barded Warhorse)
++ Core Units [500 pts] ++
9 Empire Knights [219 pts]
(Hand weapons, Lances, Shields, Heavy armour, Standard bearer [The Gleaming Pennant])
4 Empire Knights [88 pts]
(Hand weapons, Lances, Shields, Heavy armour)
4 Empire Knights [88 pts]
(Hand weapons, Lances, Shields, Heavy armour)
5 Empire Archers [35 pts]
(Hand weapons, Warbows, Skirmishers)
5 Empire Archers [35 pts]
(Hand weapons, Warbows, Skirmishers)
5 Empire Archers [35 pts]
(Hand weapons, Warbows, Skirmishers)
++ Special Units [391 pts] ++
4 Demigryph Knights [266 pts]
(Lances, Shields, Full plate armour, Demigryph Preceptor (champion), Standard bearer)
Great Cannon [125 pts]
++ Rare Units [265 pts] ++
Steam Tank [265 pts]
++ Allies [205 pts] ++
Paladin [100 pts]
(Hand weapon, Heavy armour, General, On foot, Falcon-horn of Fredemund)
10 Peasant Bowmen [50 pts]
(Hand weapons, Longbows, Unarmoured)
5 Knights of the Realm on Foot [55 pts]
(Hand weapons, Shields)