+ FACTION KEYWORD: Xenos - Tyranids
+ DETACHMENT: Vanguard Onslaught
+ WARLORD: Char4: Old One Eye
+ ENHANCEMENT: Neuronode (on Char1: Winged Tyranid Prime)
& Neuronode (on Char1: Winged Tyranid Prime)
+ SECONDARY: - Bring It Down: 2x2 + 3x3 - Assassination: 4 Characters
Char1: 1x Winged Tyranid Prime (95 pts): Prime Talons
Enhancement: Neuronode (+30 pts)
Char2: 1x Winged Tyranid Prime (65 pts): Prime Talons
Char3: 1x Winged Tyranid Prime (65 pts): Prime Talons
Char4: 1x Old One Eye (140 pts): Warlord
10x Gargoyles (85 pts): 10 with Blinding Venom, Fleshborer
10x Gargoyles (85 pts): 10 with Blinding Venom, Fleshborer
10x Gargoyles (85 pts): 10 with Blinding Venom, Fleshborer
10x Gargoyles (85 pts): 10 with Blinding Venom, Fleshborer
10x Gargoyles (85 pts): 10 with Blinding Venom, Fleshborer
1x Biovores (75 pts)
1x Lictor (55 pts): Lictor Claws and Talons
6x Tyranid Warriors with Melee Bio-Weapons (150 pts)
6x Tyranid Warriors with Melee Bio-Weapons (150 pts)
6x Tyranid Warriors with Melee Bio-Weapons (150 pts)
3x Zoanthropes (100 pts)
1x Carnifexes (125 pts): Xenos Claws and Teeth, Bio-plasma, Spine Banks, Devourers with Brainleech Worms, Carnifex Crushing Claws
1x Exocrine (135 pts): Bio-plasmic Cannon, Powerful Limbs
1x Exocrine (135 pts): Bio-plasmic Cannon, Powerful Limbs
1x Exocrine (135 pts): Bio-plasmic Cannon, Powerful Limbs