Piotr Jeż
Army name: New Roster
Factions used: Xenos - T'au Empire
Total cost: 1995 pts
Number of Units: 19
Character Units (Models): 4 (4)
Vehicle/Monster Models (Max Points): 6 (18)
== Kroot Hunting Pack Army Roster 1995 pts ==
EH1: Darkstrider [60 pts]
CH1: Kroot Lone-spear: Blast javelin and hunting javelin, Kroothawk Flock [100 pts]
CH2: Kroot Trail Shaper [65 pts]
CH3: Kroot War Shaper: Dart-bow and tri-blade, Root-carved Weapons, Warlord [70 pts]
BL1: Kroot Carnivores: Kroot Carnivore w/ tanglebomb launcher, 18xKroot Carnivores, Long-quill (Kroot carbine) [150 pts]
BL2: Kroot Carnivores: 19xKroot Carnivores, Long-quill (Kroot rifle) [150 pts]
BL3: Kroot Carnivores: 9xKroot Carnivores, Long-quill (Kroot rifle) [75 pts]
BL4: Kroot Carnivores: 9xKroot Carnivores, Long-quill (Kroot rifle) [75 pts]
IN1: Kroot Farstalkers: 7xKroot Farstalker, Kroot Farstalker w/ Farstalker firearm and Pech'ra, Kroot Farstalker w/ Londaxi tribalest, 2xKroot Hounds, Kroot Kill-broker (T'au tech rifle) [85 pts]
IN2: Stealth Battlesuits: 2xStealth Shas'ui w/ burst cannon, Stealth Shas'vre (Fusion blaster, Marker Drone, Shield Drone) [60 pts]
IN3: Stealth Battlesuits: 2xStealth Shas'ui w/ burst cannon, Stealth Shas'vre (Fusion blaster, Marker Drone, Shield Drone) [60 pts]
IN4: Stealth Battlesuits: 2xStealth Shas'ui w/ burst cannon, Stealth Shas'vre (Fusion blaster, Marker Drone, Shield Drone) [60 pts]
MO1: Krootox Riders: Krootox Rider w/ repeater cannon [35 pts]
VE1: Hammerhead Gunship: 2 Accelerator burst cannons, Railgun, 2xSeeker missile [130 pts]
VE2: Riptide Battlesuit: Ion accelerator, 2xMissile Drone, Twin plasma rifle [180 pts]
VE3: Riptide Battlesuit: Ion accelerator, 2xMissile Drone, Twin plasma rifle [180 pts]
VE4: Riptide Battlesuit: Ion accelerator, 2xMissile Drone, Twin plasma rifle [180 pts]
VE5: Sky Ray Gunship: 2 Accelerator burst cannons [140 pts]
VE6: Sky Ray Gunship: 2 Accelerator burst cannons [140 pts]