Bartłomiej 'Baribal' Balcerzak
Player: Baribal
ID: WA579
Team: RKS Chuwdu
Army Faction: Orks [1,990pts] ++
Detachment: Dread Mob
Bring it Down: 20
Assasinate: 15
EPIC_HERO1: Boss Snikrot [85pts][WARLORD]
EPIC_HERO2: Zodgrod Wortsnagga [80pts]
CHARACTER1: Big Mek: Drilla, Traktor blasta [80pts]
CHARACTER2: Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun: Gitfinder Gogglez, Grot assistant [85pts]
CHARACTER3: Mek: Wrench [45pts]
INFANTRY1: Gretchin 2 Runtherds and 20 Gretchin 20x Gretchin: 20x Close combat weapon, 20x Grot blasta 2x Runtherd: 2x Grot-smacka, 2x Slugga [80pts]
INFANTRY2: Gretchin 1 Runtherd and 10 Gretchin 10x Gretchin: 10x Close combat weapon, 10x Grot blasta [40pts]
INFANTRY3: Kommandos: Bomb Squig, Distraction Grot Boss Nob: Power Klaw 9x Kommandos w/ Slugga and choppa: 9x Choppa, 9x Slugga [135pts]
INFANTRY4: Kommandos: Bomb Squig, Distraction Grot Boss Nob: Power Klaw 9x Kommandos w/ Slugga and choppa: 9x Choppa, 9x Slugga [135pts]
INFANTRY5: Lootas: 8 Lootas 8x Loota: 8x Close combat weapon, 8x Deffgun 2x Spanner: Rokkit launcha [100pts]
INFANTRY6: Lootas: 8 Lootas 8x Loota: 8x Close combat weapon, 8x Deffgun 2x Spanner: Rokkit launcha [100pts]
INFANTRY7: Stormboyz: Boss Nob: Power klaw 4x Stormboy: 4x Choppa, 4x Slugga [65pts]
VEHICLE1: Gorkanaut [280pts]
VEHICLE2: 6x Killa Kan w/ Rokkit launcha: 6x Kan klaw, 6x Rokkit launcha [250pts]
VEHICLE3: 3x Killa Kan w/ Rokkit launcha: 3x Kan klaw, 3x Rokkit launcha [125pts]
VEHICLE4: Wazbom Blastajet: Twin wazbom mega-kannon [175pts]
DT1: Trukk: Wreckin' ball [65pts]
DT2: Trukk: Wreckin' ball [65pts]