Jez Morris
Khorne Daemons
Character Total Points 1345
Belakor (325) - Warlord
Skarbrand (305)
1 x Bloodthirster (305) A’rgath, the King of Blades (20) Total 325
1 x Bloodthirster (305)
Skulltaker (85)
Battleline Total Points 240
10 x Bloodletter (120) – musical instrument and banner
10 x Bloodletter (120) – musical instrument and banner
Other Data slates Total Points 400
3 x Bloodcrusher (110) – musical instrument and banner
3 x Bloodcrusher (110) – musical instrument and banner
3 x Bloodcrusher (110) – musical instrument and banner
5 x Flesh hounds (70)
Points 1985/2000