Marcin "Korul" Korulski
Gracz: Marcin "Korul" Korulski
Armia: Adepta Sororitas
Detachment: Hallowed Martyrs (+1 to hit under strength, +1 to wound under half strength)
Enhancements: Through Suffering, Strength (Palatine)
BID: 12 (4 Vahl + nundams 4 - 2x Castigators 2 - Immolator)
Assasinate - Million (45 + resurrections)
Cull the Horde - nope.
Nie wypisane boltery, bolt pistole itp
"Mistakes are just a shortcut to martyrdom"
Canoness (50 points) [Once per Round Strat Discount, once per game 2+ invul]
• Plasma pistol, Power Weapon, Rod of Office (reroll 1s to hit)
Daemonifuge (85 points) [Heroic Intervention for free even if already used, lone op, fights first, battle shock with chance of mortals in shooting phase]
Hospitaller (50 points) [5+fnp + rezes for the squad]
Junith Eruita (90 points) [-1 to be hit for the squad, conditional CP generation]
Morvenn Vahl (160 points) [full hit/wound rerolls for the squad]
• Warlord
Palatine (75 points) [lethal hits for the squad, bonus mortals in melee]
• Plasma pistol, Enhancement: Through Suffering, Strength [melee +1 a, s, d and +2 a, s, d when wounded]
Saint Celestine (160 points) [Rezes for the squad, 2+ save 2w bonus angels, 2+ auto rez]
Triumph of Saint Katherine (190 points) [generate a 6, auras in 6]
Battle Sisters Squad (115 points) [Sticky]
• 1x Condemnor boltgun + Power Weapon
• 1x Artificer-crafted storm bolter
• Multi-melta
• 1x Simulacrum Imperialis
Arco-flagellants 3 (45 points)
Seraphim Squad 10, (170 points) [shoot and scoot]
• 1x Plasma pistol 1x Power weapon
• 4x2 Inferno Pistols
Seraphim Squad 5(85 points) [shoot and scoot]
• 1x Plasma pistol 1x Power weapon
• 4x2 Ministorum hand flamer
Sisters Novitiate Squad (100 points) [split by Immo, half infiltrating, reroll 1s to hit, reroll all against enemies on objective]
• 1x Bolt pistol 1x Power weapon
• 2x Ministorum flamer
• 5x Novitiate melee weapons
• 1x Sacred Banner
• 1x Simulacrum Imperialis
Immolator (115 points) [transport, strips cover]
1x Heavy bolter
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Immolation flamers
2x Castigator (300 points) [strips armour]
1x Castigator battle cannon
3x Heavy bolter
1x Hunter-killer missile
1x Storm bolter
Paragon Warsuits (210 points) [+1 hit/wound vehicles/monsters]
3x Multi-melta
3x Paragon grenade launchers
3x Paragon war mace
My vehicle auto explodes
Melee: Rerolls to hit (and wound if under half)
Fight on death (2cp)
S&S (not tanks) - "Taunt" in melee
Shoot back if model in the unit is destroyed
Character resurrection (except Celestine)