BoK Marmouset (1980 Points)
Blades of Khorne
Murder Host
2000 Points
Drops: 4
Prayer Lore - Blood Blesssings of Khorne
Manifestation Lore - Judgements of Khorne
General’s Regiment
Slaughterpriest (160 Points)
• General
Regiment 1
Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury (440 Points)
Skulltaker (160 Points)
Regiment 2
Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage (470 Points)
Regiment 3
Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster (420 Points)
• Firebrand
• Ar'gath, The King of Blades
Flesh Hounds (110 Points)
Flesh Hounds (110 Points)
Flesh Hounds (110 Points)
Faction Terrain
Skull Altar
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