Téclis V2 (2000 points)
Grand Alliance Order
Lumineth Realm-lords
Vanari Battlehost
2000 Points Limit
Drops: 2
Spell Lore - Lore of Hysh
Manifestation Lore - Morbid Conjuration
General's Regiment
Archmage Teclis and Celennar, Spirit of Hysh (590)
• General
Vanari Auralan Sentinels (300)
• Reinforced
Vanari Bannerblade (130)
• Silver Wand
• Perfect Strike
Ydrilan Riverblades (140)
Regiment 1
Ellania and Ellathor, Eclipsian Warsages (280)
Vanari Auralan Wardens (280)
• Reinforced
Vanari Auralan Wardens (140)
Vanari Bladelords (140)
Faction Terrain
Shrine Luminor
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Data Version: v128