King-Kong Boys
1Skargrottroll 1980/2000 pts Gloomspite Gitz
| Troggherd Drops: 2
Spell Lore - Lore of the Clammy Dank Manifestation Lore - Dank Manifestations
General's Regiment
Skragrott, the Loonking (230)
• General
Rockgut Troggoths (380)
• Reinforced
Rockgut Troggoths (190)
Regiment 1
Dankhold Troggboss (230)
• Loontouched
• The Clammy Cowl
Rockgut Troggoths (380)
• Reinforced
Rockgut Troggoths (380)
• Reinforced
Rockgut Troggoths (190)
Faction Terrain Bad Moon Loonshrine
Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App App: 1.5.0 | Data: 197