
Tim Vass

+ FACTION KEYWORD: Xenos - Tyranids
+ DETACHMENT: Invasion Fleet
+ WARLORD: Char1: Broodlord
+ ENHANCEMENT: Synaptic Linchpin (on Char1: Broodlord)
+ SECONDARY: - Assassination: 1 Characters - Cull The Horde: 11x5

Char1: 1x Broodlord (100 pts): Warlord, Broodlord Claws and Talons
Enhancement: Synaptic Linchpin (+20 pts)

20x Hormagaunts (130 pts): 20 with Hormagaunt talons
20x Hormagaunts (130 pts): 20 with Hormagaunt talons
20x Hormagaunts (130 pts): 20 with Hormagaunt talons
20x Hormagaunts (130 pts): 20 with Hormagaunt talons
20x Hormagaunts (130 pts): 20 with Hormagaunt talons
20x Hormagaunts (130 pts): 20 with Hormagaunt talons

20x Termagants (120 pts): 20 with Chitinous Claws and Teeth, Fleshborer
20x Termagants (120 pts): 20 with Chitinous Claws and Teeth, Fleshborer
20x Termagants (120 pts): 20 with Chitinous Claws and Teeth, Fleshborer
20x Termagants (120 pts): 20 with Chitinous Claws and Teeth, Fleshborer
20x Termagants (120 pts): 20 with Chitinous Claws and Teeth, Fleshborer
10x Termagants (60 pts): 10 with Chitinous Claws and Teeth, Fleshborer

10x Genestealers (150 pts): 10 with Genestealers claws and talons
10x Genestealers (150 pts): 10 with Genestealers claws and talons
10x Genestealers (150 pts): 10 with Genestealers claws and talons
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