John Jensen
PLAYER 1: (John, JMSJ, Jensen)
ARMY DESCRIPTION : (Codex: Daemons)
Primary detacthment: (Codex: Daemons)
HQ1 : (Herald of khorne, juggernaut of khorne(45), lesser reward (10), greater reward (20), (warlord)
Herald of khorne, juggernaut of khorne(45), lesser reward (10), greater reward (20),
Herald of slaanesh, steed of slaanesh (15), exalted Locus of beguilement (30), exalted reward (30)) [500 pts]
Elite1 : (5 Fiends of slaanesh) [175 pts]
Troon 1 : (10 Daemonettes of slaanesh) [90 pts]
Troop 2 : (10 Daemonettes of slaanesh) [90 pts]
Troop 3 : (10 Daemonettes of slaanesh) [90 pts]
Troop 4 : (10 Daemonettes of slaanesh) [90 pts]
Troop 5 : (10 Daemonettes of slaanesh) [90 pts]
FA1: (15 Flesh hounds of khorne) [240 pts]
FA2: (15 Flesh hounds of khorne) [240 pts]
FA3: (15 Flesh hounds of khorne) [240 pts]
Total [1845 pts]