Pavel Krol
Chaos Lord of Wrath on daemonic mount, gw, general, soul reaper, talisman of supreme shielding, bluffer helm - 760
Chaos Harbinger of True Chaos on daemonic mount, lucky shield, gw, bsb, sprout of rebirth, waste hardened skin - 560
Chaos Lord of Change on daemonic mount, dragonscale helm, talisman of greater shielding, third eye of change, crown of scorn, fleshrender - 700
20 Barbarians of True Chaos, M, ahw, S - 180
2x21 Barbarians of True Chaos, ahw, M - 170
3x8 Warhounds - 130
Battle Shrine (Priest) of Wrath - 260
4 Crusher Knights of Wrath, M, S, Aether Icon, Daemonic weapon - 753
Elder Dragon Centaur, AHW - 550
Total Army: 4493