Bjørn Hestkjær
PLAYER 2: (Bjørn, Nazh, Hestkjær)
Primary detacthment: (Dark eldar)
HQ1 : (Archon, haywire grenades(5), webway portal(35) shadow field(40), phantasm grenade launcher(15), the armour of misery(15), transport 1, (warlord)) [170]
HQ2 : (Archon, haywire grenades(5), webway portal(35), the archangel of pain(25) transport 2) [125]
HQ3 : (Court of the Archon, medusae(25), transport 3) [25]
HQ4 : (Court of the Archon, medusae(25), transport 4) [25]
Elite1 : (Mandrakes) [35]
Troop 1 : (5 Kabalite warriors, transport 5) [40]
Troop 2 : (5 Kabalite warriors, transport 6) [40]
Troop 3 : (5 Kabalite warriors, 3 kabalite warriors(24), transport 7) [64]
Troop 4 : (5 Kabalite warriors, 3 kabalite warriors(24), transport [64]
HS1: (Cronos) [100]
FA1 : (Razorwing, 4 necrotoxin missiles) [130]
FA2 : ( Scurges, 4 x heat lances(40)) [120]
FA3 : ( Scurges, 4 x haywire blasters(40)) [120]
FA4 : (Venom, splinter cannon(10)) [65]
FA5 : (Venom, splinter cannon(10)) [65]
FA6 : (Venom, splinter cannon(10)) [65]
Transport1 : (Venom, splinter cannon(10), hq 1) [65]
Transport2 : (Venom, splinter cannon(10), hq 2) [65]
Transport3 : (Venom, splinter cannon(10), hq 3) [65]
Transport4 : (Venom, splinter cannon(10), hq 4) [65]
Transport5 : (Venom, splinter cannon(10), troop 1) [65]
Transport6 : (Venom, splinter cannon(10), troop 2) [65]
Transport7 : (Raider, troop 5) [55]
Transport8 : (Raider, troop 4) [55]
Fortifications : (bastion, comms relay) [95]
TOTAL [1849pts]