
Lørdag: 09:00 Check in 09:30 Kontrol af hære 10:00 Spil 1 13:30 Frokost 14:00 Spil 2 17:30 Aftensmad 18:30 Spil 3 22:00 Godnat Søndag 08:00 Morgenmad 09:00 Spil 4 12:30 Frokost 13:00 Game 5 16:30 Slut og kåring af vindere

Pregame pairing: Kaptajnerne ruller om hvem der vælger bord. Hold A og B vælger 1. defender og afslører dem samtidigt. Hold A og B vælger 2 attackers og afslører dem samtidigt. Hold A og B vælger hvilken attacker der skal spille mod defender og afslører dette samtidigt. Holdet der vælger bord, lader deres defender vælge bord, derefter vælger det andet hold. Det er nu det andet hold der vælger bord. Fortsæt til alle pairings er afgjort. Pregame rul: Det er ikke muligt at bruge command point til at re-rolle nogen af pre-game rullene. Placer objectives. Begge spillere ruller en terning. Højeste placerer objective 1, 3 og 5. Objectives placeres altid i nummer rækkefølge. Vælg deployment zone: Spilleren der placerede objective 6, vælger deployment zone. Placer enheder: Spilleren der ikke valgte deployment zone placerer sin første enhed. Spillerne skiftes til at placerer enheder til begge er færdige. Første tur: Begge spillere ruller en terning. Spilleren der først var færdig med deployment får +1. Højeste vælger om han vil have første tur. Spilleren der ikke har første tur kan prøve at sieze. Missioner: Alle missioner bruger random game lenght. MISSION 1 Objective #1: Eternal War: Retrieval Objective #2: Maelstrom of War: Contact Lost Deployment: Spearhead Assault Tactical Objectives: Generate 1 Tactical Objective first turn and then 1 additional objective for each marker under your control, up to a maximum of 6 cards. Scoring: At the end of the game each marker is worth 3VP to the player controlling it. MISSION 2 Objective #1: Eternal War: The Scouring Objective #2: Maelstrom of War: Cleanse and Capture Deployment: Vanguard Strike Marking objectives: Mark the superior (4VP) and inferior marker (1VP). Tactical Objectives: Generate up to 3 Tactical Objectives each turn. Scoring: Superior objective is worth 4VP, inferior marker 1VP and all other objective markers are worth2 VP if controlled at the end of the game. Page 24 MISSION 3 Objective #1: Eternal War: Big Guns Never Tire Objective #2: Maelstrom of War: Tactical Escalation Deployment: Dawn of War Both players announce their Tactical Priority Objective Type (Capture and Control, Storm and Defend, Purge, Seize Ground, Annihilation) that will score an extra VP or diminish points when discarded, starting with the player that goes first. If you discard a card that is unachievable, no points are lost. Tactical Objectives: Generate Tactical Objectives up to the current battle round each turn. Scoring: At the end of the game each marker is worth 3VP to the player controlling it. Remember that heavy support units override the number of enemy models if only one player has them on the objective. Count up points scored from maelstrom and secondary objectives, and add 1VP for each opposing heavy support unit that was destroyed, and check if there is a difference in Tactical Priority for an extra VP. MISSION 4 Objective #1: Eternal War: ALTERED Secure and Control Objective #2: Maelstrom of War: Deadlock Deployment: Search And Destroy Objective placing: Players roll off. Whoever rolls highest starts placing 1 of 6 objective markers, alternating between players until all have been set up. Players secretly note the point values of the markers being 4, 3 or 2 VP as they put them down. Strategic Deadlock: When using command points, double the cost from turn 3 onwards. Tactical Objectives: Generate up to 6 Tactical Objectives on the first turn, 5 on turn 2, etc... Scoring: At the end of the game each marker is worth 4, 3 or 2 VP respectively to the player controlling it. MISSION 5 Objective #1: Eternal War: The Relic Objective #2: Maelstrom of War: Spoils of War Deployment: Hammer and Anvil Tactical Objectives: Generate up to 3 Tactical Objectives each turn. Precious Cargo rule is in effect. Scoring: At the end of the game the Relic is worth 8VP to the player whose model is carrying it, or 4VP to the player who is controlling it. NOTE: When the relic is dropped put it in base contact with the model that was carrying it prior to removing it from the table. Player owning the carrying model decides where the relic is dropped.

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