
1epoepoÑTw-w-wDread Elves56
2Krádkaros Mundo forjaw-w-wWarriors of the Dark Gods56
3PopyKrakenw-w-wVampire Covenant54
4ArnásTeam Quarantinew-w-wOrcs and Goblins52
5GuillemBlack bullsw-w-wVampire Covenant51
6JoshuaMojo valyriow-w-wEmpire of Sonnstahl51
7Miguel Ángel "LaStRa"Babuinosw-w-wDread Elves49
8Victor Manuel Gil RochaWargames adictosw-w-lDread Elves47
9MirmiBlack bullsw-w-wEmpire of Sonnstahl46
10Lucas "Superorko" HidalgoOrco rojo teamw-d-wDaemon Legions46
11Alberto "Aerrows"Guardiarentenaw-w-dUndying Dynasties45
12LetradoMi Tanque se llama Meningitisw-w-lWarriors of the Dark Gods45
13giriCobra kaiw-w-wThe Vermin Swarm44
14Adrian giner NTw-w-lWarriors of the Dark Gods44
15Ivan DiazÑTw-w-wOgre Khans43
16Pau VargasMi Tanque se llama Meningitisw-w-wThe Vermin Swarm43
17gundizalboGuardiarentenaw-w-lSaurian Ancients43
18JunonCobra kaiw-l-wVampire Covenant43
19UnaiTeam Quarantinew-w-lSaurian Ancients43
20SirFerniGofio valyriow-l-wDaemon Legions42
21EpiNumantiansw-l-wDaemon Legions39
22Esteban Salce2Guardiarentenaw-l-wOgre Khans39
23Sergi CaballeroCobra kaiw-l-wWarriors of the Dark Gods39
24KaiserBabuinosw-w-wOrcs and Goblins38
25Eric R.Guardiarentenaw-l-wWarriors of the Dark Gods38
26Juan jose noguera wuAlea iacta estw-w-lKingdom of Equitaine38
27CarlinhosNTw-w-lHighborn Elves37
28Miguel tubaÑTw-w-lWarriors of the Dark Gods36
29FeytorNTl-w-wThe Vermin Swarm35
30JuanmaWargames adictosl-w-wThe Vermin Swarm35
31DiegoGofio valyriow-l-wOrcs and Goblins34
32Felix "Welrych" GarcíaPerrunillas voladoresw-l-wSylvan Elves34
33FranNumantiansl-w-wDwarven Holds34
34MallorkinBlack bullsw-l-wOrcs and Goblins34
35ThurvackMundo forjal-w-wKingdom of Equitaine34
36PortadorMundo forjal-w-wThe Vermin Swarm33
37Airam Reguera "GraM24"De4menw-l-wHighborn Elves32
38BlanagarMorcillas del apocalipsisw-w-lBeast Herds32
39Sergio (Estaka) AldeanoDe4menw-l-lWarriors of the Dark Gods32
40Juan PabloÑTl-w-wDwarven Holds31
41ToñinNumantiansw-l-dVampire Covenant31
42Igor Rey FernandezDe4menw-l-lThe Vermin Swarm31
43Antares Loki3 Delfos y un bretónl-w-dDread Elves30
44Daniel "Audentes" Gofio valyriow-l-wHighborn Elves29
45DaviduzMorcillas del apocalipsisl-w-wThe Vermin Swarm29
46LUCAS REDONDO CARAZOOrco rojo teaml-w-wVampire Covenant29
47Pablo C3 Delfos y un bretónl-w-lSylvan Elves29
48JorgeKrakenl-l-wThe Vermin Swarm28
49RogerGGBlack bullsw-l-lDaemon Legions28
50KobenoGatitos de Nukujal-w-dVampire Covenant27
51BalrogGatitos de Nukujaw-w-lWarriors of the Dark Gods26
52MetaGatitos de Nukujaw-l-wDaemon Legions26
53BARROSONTl-w-lSaurian Ancients26
54Carlos "Carlost"Perrunillas voladoresl-l-wSaurian Ancients26
55Juan ZamoranoWargames adictosw-l-lWarriors of the Dark Gods26
56MarcosMojo valyriol-w-lSylvan Elves26
57KillerdawnWargames adictosl-w-lOgre Khans25
58ZampaKrakenl-l-wSaurian Ancients25
59DavidMi Tanque se llama Meningitisl-w-dDread Elves24
60Javi gomez3 Delfos y un bretónl-w-lKingdom of Equitaine24
61Dioni SantidrianKrakenl-d-dHighborn Elves24
62Pablo PrelateMi Tanque se llama Meningitisw-l-lUndying Dynasties23
63AdriAlea iacta estd-l-dSaurian Ancients23
64Dirty IvyMorcillas del apocalipsisd-l-lOgre Khans23
65Busy DadPerrunillas voladoresl-w-lVampire Covenant21
66Pelu3 Delfos y un bretónl-w-lOgre Khans21
67Rafa MedinaBabuinosl-l-wDwarven Holds21
68ContiBabuinosl-w-lHighborn Elves20
69DiegogreenterrorMorcillas del apocalipsisl-l-wVampire Covenant20
70FeynnNoob teaml-l-wWarriors of the Dark Gods19
71Tomás GarcíaAlea iacta estw-l-lDaemon Legions19
72Antonio Muñoz SanchezTeam Quarantinel-l-lSylvan Elves19
73Jorge - YospelNoob teaml-l-wThe Vermin Swarm18
74Álvaro "Shadow" Perrunillas voladoresl-l-lThe Vermin Swarm18
75SergielknightCobra kail-l-dDread Elves17
76Jorge FernándezMundo forjal-l-lOrcs and Goblins17
77RaúlTeam Quarantinel-l-lWarriors of the Dark Gods17
78AgusNumantiansl-l-lEmpire of Sonnstahl16
79Perro viejo 2Gatitos de Nukujal-d-lHighborn Elves15
80Jose CarlosNoob teaml-l-lHighborn Elves15
81frank PerezAlea iacta estl-l-lDwarven Holds11
82Will Mojo valyriol-d-lWarriors of the Dark Gods10
83Joel Alberto Gofio valyriol-l-lInfernal Dwarves9
84Alejandro PueyoDe4menl-l-lUndying Dynasties8
85FabioNoob teaml-l-lVampire Covenant7
86Javier Ruiz muñozMojo valyriol-l-lVampire Covenant7
87Jorge AlOrco rojo teaml-l-lDwarven Holds7
88AdrianOrco rojo teaml-l-lSaurian Ancients3
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