
1Vincenzo RussoQTL - Italyw-w-w-w-wThe Vermin Swarm95
2Miguel Ángel "LaStRa"Guardia Varegaw-w-w-w-wDread Elves87
3Aleksander JaworowskiNie pieprz pietrze wieprza pieprzemw-w-w-w-wThe Vermin Swarm85
4Alberto "Aerrows"Guardia Varegaw-w-w-w-wUndying Dynasties84
5Marcel RitsemaLowlander Bagpipersw-w-w-w-wBeast Herds82
6PAVEL IUKHNOUkrainian Borscht w-d-w-w-wUndying Dynasties80
7Philipp FörsterUnited Buam of Bavariaw-w-w-l-wVampire Covenant80
8 'Artur' Thomas Jacobs Team Belgium w-w-d-w-wDread Elves78
9Daniel MacMeekingUkrainian Borscht w-w-w-d-wEmpire of Sonnstahl77
10Ryan CappsWingKingsw-w-l-w-wInfernal Dwarves75
11Mateusz ŁapińskiNie pieprz pietrze wieprza pieprzemd-w-w-w-wInfernal Dwarves74
12Daniel Schaefer"Achtarmig einen reinorgeln mit Gerhard"w-w-w-l-wOgre Khans74
13JarekkNie pieprz pietrze wieprza pieprzemw-w-w-d-wOgre Khans73
14Ryan FreiburgerMore Men with Moose Moralsw-l-w-w-wThe Vermin Swarm73
15Scrub"Achtarmig einen reinorgeln mit Gerhard"l-w-w-w-wThe Vermin Swarm73
16DavidSpanish Villain Mercenariesl-d-w-w-wUndying Dynasties72
17Tomasz TutajNie pieprz pietrze wieprza pieprzemw-w-w-w-wSylvan Elves71
18HallvardCan’t W8 to be Wingl-w-w-d-wKingdom of Equitaine71
19Andrew RapmundHalf dozen wings w/ a side of French Friesw-d-w-w-wHighborn Elves70
20HebusHalf dozen wings w/ a side of French Friesl-w-w-w-wWarriors of the Dark Gods70
21Jere JukkaFrozen Lionsw-l-w-w-wUndying Dynasties70
22Maxim"Inkvizitor Maximilian"BibaUkrainian Borscht w-l-w-w-wThe Vermin Swarm70
23Miguel tubaSpanish Villain Mercenariesw-w-w-w-lVampire Covenant70
24Germán San Martín Los Xoloitzcuintles del Mictlanw-w-w-l-dOgre Khans70
25Peter RidderFrozen Lionsw-d-w-w-lEmpire of Sonnstahl70
26Kirill Adelfinskiy"Achtarmig einen reinorgeln mit Gerhard"d-w-l-d-wWarriors of the Dark Gods69
27Guy DemeyereTeam Belgium w-w-w-l-wUndying Dynasties68
28Tobiáš VeskaReign of Anarchyw-w-w-w-lDwarven Holds68
29GuillemBlack Bullsw-w-l-l-wVampire Covenant68
30Stanislaw ScheinerNie pieprz pietrze wieprza pieprzeml-w-w-d-wBeast Herds67
31Jørund Can’t W8 to be Wingw-l-w-w-lOrcs and Goblins67
32Esteban Salce2Guardia Varegad-w-w-l-wInfernal Dwarves66
33gundizalboGuardia Varegal-w-w-w-dSaurian Ancients66
34Christian Brauer"Achtarmig einen reinorgeln mit Gerhard"w-w-l-w-wDaemon Legions65
35Justin CoppeLowlander Bagpipersl-w-w-w-wDaemon Legions65
36Lenny SzatkowskiCan’t W8 to be Wingw-l-w-w-wBeast Herds65
37Pablo CSpanish Villain Mercenariesw-l-w-w-wSylvan Elves65
38Pascal SidirasTeam Belgium w-w-l-w-wDwarven Holds65
39Doug LambMore Men with Moose Moralsl-w-l-w-wBeast Herds65
40Hugh ScarlinReign of Anarchyl-l-w-w-wKingdom of Equitaine65
41Adeyev DmitriyReign of Anarchyw-l-w-w-wDaemon Legions64
42Martí VidalBlack Bullsl-w-w-w-lKingdom of Equitaine64
43Thomas Möller"Achtarmig einen reinorgeln mit Gerhard"w-l-w-l-wKingdom of Equitaine64
44Aleksey "akniles" SlinkaSputnik Vw-w-w-l-wDread Elves63
45Julien FreyTRC 1w-w-w-l-wThe Vermin Swarm63
46Michał RusinekNie pieprz pietrze wieprza pieprzemw-w-d-w-dWarriors of the Dark Gods63
47Matthew LauMore Men with Moose Moralsw-l-w-l-wSylvan Elves63
48tulmirMore Men with Moose Moralsw-w-l-l-wKingdom of Equitaine63
49Kimani "Bustamoovee" BengtssonNodickheadsw-w-d-w-wHighborn Elves62
50Mark CiarloneHalf dozen wings w/ a side of French Friesd-d-w-w-wKingdom of Equitaine62
51DamsetoiTRC 2w-w-d-w-wDaemon Legions61
52Alberto BaeriQTL - Italyw-w-w-l-wOgre Khans61
53Travis WeyforthWingKingsl-l-w-d-wDaemon Legions61
54Michal BuresRota Nazdarw-w-w-l-lOrcs and Goblins60
55LetradoSpanish Villain Mercenariesw-w-w-l-dWarriors of the Dark Gods59
56OmarcominCan’t W8 to be Wingw-w-w-d-lDwarven Holds59
57RogerGGBlack Bullsw-d-w-w-lDaemon Legions59
58OnioncrankerFrozen Lionsw-w-w-l-lDwarven Holds59
59Cedric Van BelleTeam Belgium l-w-l-d-wEmpire of Sonnstahl59
60-- PY --TRC 1l-l-w-l-wKingdom of Equitaine59
61Arnaud VincentTRC 2w-w-w-d-lOrcs and Goblins58
62Gianluca CarapelleseQTL - Italyw-l-w-w-lUndying Dynasties58
63Francesco MorettiQTL - Italyl-d-d-w-wVampire Covenant58
64Jorge Mtz (Chummer)El Jeffe's Mercsw-l-l-w-dThe Vermin Swarm58
65Ezekiel57TRC 1w-w-l-w-wUndying Dynasties57
66David MeachenBalustrada Mahoniowaw-l-w-w-lDaemon Legions57
67Habib Echanove El Jeffe's Mercsw-l-l-w-wHighborn Elves57
68PhilHalf dozen wings w/ a side of French Friesl-w-w-l-wEmpire of Sonnstahl57
69GaspardTRC 1l-w-d-w-dEmpire of Sonnstahl57
70Neil HamiltonEl Jeffe's Mercsw-l-l-w-dDread Elves57
71Hermund FCan’t W8 to be Wingl-w-w-w-lEmpire of Sonnstahl56
72KraggLowlander Bagpipersl-w-w-l-wSaurian Ancients56
73Pierre-Emmanuel GuilletTRC 1l-w-l-w-wOrcs and Goblins56
74Sergey "TroR" KlimenkoSputnik Vl-w-w-w-lWarriors of the Dark Gods56
75Andrea SchiavoneQTL - Italyw-w-w-l-lWarriors of the Dark Gods55
76Geoffrey DutranoitTeam Belgium l-w-w-d-lDaemon Legions55
77Yann Nguyen VanTRC 2l-w-w-d-lInfernal Dwarves55
78AllorSputnik Vl-l-l-w-wOrcs and Goblins55
79DUQUETTRC 2w-l-w-d-wSylvan Elves54
80Justin BurgyWingKingsw-w-w-l-lUndying Dynasties54
81Nicola DonelliQTL - Italyw-w-l-w-lSaurian Ancients54
82LyzanorBlack Bullsl-w-w-d-dDwarven Holds54
83Michael MattoxHalf dozen wings w/ a side of French Friesw-l-d-w-lSaurian Ancients54
84Ievgen ZapolskyiUkrainian Borscht l-w-w-l-lOrcs and Goblins54
85Ir3kNodickheadsw-w-l-l-lSylvan Elves54
86Stefano Ferrante"Achtarmig einen reinorgeln mit Gerhard"w-l-w-w-wDread Elves53
87TobbeNodickheadsw-w-l-w-dEmpire of Sonnstahl53
88Alexander KoshkinSputnik Vw-w-l-l-wInfernal Dwarves53
89CarlNodickheadsw-d-l-w-dVampire Covenant53
90Lawrence MathesMore Men with Moose Moralsw-l-l-d-wDwarven Holds53
91VANDERSANDE FrançoisTeam Belgium l-d-l-w-wThe Vermin Swarm53
92AgraelLowlander Bagpipersl-w-l-w-wDread Elves52
93Ivan DiazSpanish Villain Mercenariesl-w-w-l-dDaemon Legions52
94KaiserGuardia Varegad-l-w-l-wOrcs and Goblins52
95Jörg HerzogUnited Buam of Bavariaw-w-l-l-wWarriors of the Dark Gods51
96NateReign of Anarchyw-l-l-w-dThe Vermin Swarm51
97Clement KonopnickiTRC 2l-l-w-l-wOgre Khans51
98Thibault "ANKOR"TRC 1w-l-d-w-lWarriors of the Dark Gods50
99Jesús MartínezEl Jeffe's Mercsl-l-w-w-lEmpire of Sonnstahl50
100Harkunash United Buam of Bavariaw-l-l-w-wHighborn Elves49
101KeithWingKingsw-w-l-l-wWarriors of the Dark Gods49
102Olli KatilaFrozen Lionsw-w-l-w-lDaemon Legions49
103Ben MitchellWingKingsw-l-d-w-lEmpire of Sonnstahl49
104Jeff Durham El Jeffe's Mercsw-d-l-w-lSaurian Ancients49
105Jordan BraunWingKingsd-w-l-l-wThe Vermin Swarm48
106Alex SchmidWingKingsw-d-l-d-lOrcs and Goblins48
107Merlijn DejonckheereTeam Belgium l-w-l-w-wSylvan Elves47
108Michal Bouša Rota Nazdarw-w-w-l-lInfernal Dwarves47
109Michał panterq ĆwikFrozen Lionsw-l-w-w-lWarriors of the Dark Gods47
110BajapigeonWingKingsl-w-l-l-wOgre Khans47
111RasmusNodickheadsl-l-l-w-wKingdom of Equitaine47
112FerSpanish Villain Mercenariesl-l-d-w-wKingdom of Equitaine46
113Jindrich SchovanecRota Nazdarl-w-w-l-dThe Vermin Swarm46
114MweaxTRC 2w-w-d-l-lDwarven Holds46
115adatopoulosMore Men with Moose Moralsw-d-d-l-lDread Elves46
116Eric R.Guardia Varegal-l-w-w-dVampire Covenant45
117ArtemUkrainian Borscht l-w-l-w-lSylvan Elves45
118Chris SzymanskiReign of Anarchyw-l-w-l-lWarriors of the Dark Gods45
119Tomasz 'Handełek' DomagalskiNie pieprz pietrze wieprza pieprzemw-w-l-d-lHighborn Elves44
120bovy thibaudLowlander Bagpipersw-l-l-l-wVampire Covenant44
121Robin MorentLowlander Bagpipersl-l-l-w-wWarriors of the Dark Gods44
122Ryan-StaudleHalf dozen wings w/ a side of French Friesl-w-l-l-wDread Elves44
123Moritz (rudi)United Buam of Bavarial-l-l-w-dDread Elves44
124Konstantin NikulinSputnik Vw-l-d-w-lThe Vermin Swarm43
125Mal PatelBalustrada Mahoniowal-w-l-w-lDread Elves43
126Salvatore AmorielloQTL - Italyl-l-w-l-wInfernal Dwarves43
127Wardog GamingNodickheadsl-l-l-w-lThe Vermin Swarm43
128CenteSpanish Villain Mercenariesw-w-l-l-wHighborn Elves42
129Florian GreßUnited Buam of Bavarial-w-l-l-wDwarven Holds42
130Max Linke United Buam of Bavariaw-l-l-l-wSylvan Elves42
131Michal MalýRota Nazdarl-w-l-w-lDwarven Holds42
132Thibault Di TucciTRC 2l-d-w-l-lHighborn Elves42
133Angelo BarileQTL - Italyl-l-l-l-wOrcs and Goblins41
134Benjamin NardelliTRC 1w-l-l-l-lHighborn Elves41
135Ladislav ZichRota Nazdarl-l-w-l-lUndying Dynasties41
136Antti HäkliFrozen Lionsd-l-d-l-lBeast Herds41
137Alexander BrykovSputnik Vl-w-w-l-lDaemon Legions40
138Erdem "Matrim"Can’t W8 to be Wingw-w-l-l-lWarriors of the Dark Gods40
139MajorSeviUnited Buam of Bavarial-l-l-w-dThe Vermin Swarm40
140Niklas PerssonCan’t W8 to be Wingl-l-w-l-dUndying Dynasties40
141MarcBlack Bullsd-l-d-l-dHighborn Elves40
142David EnglundNodickheadsd-l-l-d-lDwarven Holds40
143Jakub KlinskýRota Nazdarl-l-w-w-dDaemon Legions39
144Jan "Griffin" PodanýRota Nazdarl-l-w-l-lKingdom of Equitaine39
145Pyry PeitsoFrozen Lionsl-l-l-w-lDread Elves39
146JesseFrozen Lionsl-l-l-w-wInfernal Dwarves38
147KrelnNodickheadsw-l-d-l-lBeast Herds38
148Martin ČernýRota Nazdard-l-w-l-lWarriors of the Dark Gods38
149Big Boss M.Nie pieprz pietrze wieprza pieprzemw-l-l-l-lDaemon Legions38
150Brunfaut LoickTeam Belgium l-w-l-l-lVampire Covenant38
151Jobadiah "Roman's Revenge"Reign of Anarchyw-l-l-l-lEmpire of Sonnstahl38
152Hugo ChuiBalustrada Mahoniowal-w-l-w-lInfernal Dwarves37
153Maik Duus"Achtarmig einen reinorgeln mit Gerhard"d-l-d-l-wInfernal Dwarves37
154Drew GMore Men with Moose Moralsl-d-l-d-dEmpire of Sonnstahl37
155Jurand SzwajaCan’t W8 to be Wingl-l-w-w-lThe Vermin Swarm36
156Yann FavreTRC 1l-l-l-w-dDaemon Legions36
157ContiGuardia Varegal-l-d-l-dHighborn Elves36
158VillonBlack Bullsl-l-l-l-dInfernal Dwarves36
159ALAKHAITRC 2l-d-w-l-lDread Elves35
160MallorkinBlack Bullsl-l-w-l-lOrcs and Goblins35
161Max WartonBalustrada Mahoniowal-w-l-l-lBeast Herds34
162Artem "Blackmane" GoysanUkrainian Borscht l-l-l-w-lWarriors of the Dark Gods33
163CyberoggSputnik Vw-l-l-l-lOgre Khans33
164joel flintEl Jeffe's Mercsl-l-l-w-lKingdom of Equitaine33
165Stanislav "Flam" FesenkoSputnik Vw-l-l-l-lKingdom of Equitaine33
166Ryan UsherBalustrada Mahoniowal-l-d-l-lWarriors of the Dark Gods33
167XavierReign of Anarchyw-l-l-w-lBeast Herds31
168Ben WadsworthBalustrada Mahoniowal-w-l-l-dSaurian Ancients31
169PortadorSpanish Villain Mercenariesl-l-d-l-wThe Vermin Swarm31
170Carsten RichterUnited Buam of Bavarial-w-l-l-wKingdom of Equitaine30
171Paco Rafael FloresLos Xoloitzcuintles del Mictlanl-w-l-l-lDwarven Holds30
172Serbulent (Serb)More Men with Moose Moralsl-l-w-l-lHighborn Elves30
173Lachy CreelyBalustrada Mahoniowal-l-l-w-lHighborn Elves29
174Gregory MandelaireLowlander Bagpipersw-l-l-l-dInfernal Dwarves28
175Simon WoodBalustrada Mahoniowad-d-l-l-lThe Vermin Swarm28
176Aaron CassorlaLos Xoloitzcuintles del Mictlanl-d-d-l-lInfernal Dwarves27
177SviatoslavUkrainian Borscht l-l-l-l-lDread Elves27
178Aarón “Aaercatl” CavaLos Xoloitzcuintles del Mictlanl-w-l-l-dSaurian Ancients26
179Aaron RamirezEl Jeffe's Mercsl-l-l-w-lOrcs and Goblins25
180Kaj GeenenLowlander Bagpipersl-l-d-l-dHighborn Elves25
181Jose Enrique ToledoLos Xoloitzcuintles del Mictlanl-l-l-d-lWarriors of the Dark Gods25
182Simon HerfrayHalf dozen wings w/ a side of French Friesl-l-d-l-lInfernal Dwarves24
183AlejandroBlack Bullsl-d-l-l-lSylvan Elves20
184FrancescoReign of Anarchyw-l-l-l-lSylvan Elves19
185Franklin MolinaLos Xoloitzcuintles del Mictlanl-l-d-l-lBeast Herds18
186MIGUEL RODRÍGUEZ VICARIO Guardia Varegal-l-l-l-lThe Vermin Swarm17
187Marius Maertens"Achtarmig einen reinorgeln mit Gerhard"l-l-l-l-dBeast Herds15
188Mario Alberto Teutli El Jeffe's Mercsl-l-l-d-lVampire Covenant15
189AndriiUkrainian Borscht l-l-l-l-lHighborn Elves14
190Chris MacDonaldHalf dozen wings w/ a side of French Friesl-l-l-l-lOrcs and Goblins12
191Alex ArancibiaLos Xoloitzcuintles del Mictlanl-l-l-l-lOrcs and Goblins8
192Ben ObiWanLos Xoloitzcuintles del Mictlanl-l-l-l-lThe Vermin Swarm6
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