
Team 1
Team 2
33Poland - The Phantom Menace61 - 39Germany - Team A
2Spain - New Team51 - 49Russia - Russo Turisto
3Poland - Warsaw Residents37 - 63Poland - Hardkor Riders
4United Kingdom - England62 - 38Germany - Posaz Berlin
5Poland - Return of the Jedi15 - 85Poland - Revenge of the Sith
6Germany - Team Germany 157 - 43Belarus - Team Belarus
7Italy - Italian Stallions81 - 19France - MYLFS
8Belgium - Belgian Chocolates59 - 41Poland - Szybki Szpil
9International - United Nations17 - 83Poland - The Empire Strikes Back
10Spain - The Troll Team37 - 63Netherlands - Team Holland 1
11Russia - Pokemon57 - 43Denmark - Denmark 2
12Germany - This is Sparta37 - 63Czech Republic - Team Czech A
13Ukraine - Ukraine 259 - 41Germany - Bester Weigert
14Ukraine - Ukrainian Anchors77 - 23United Kingdom - London Wargaming Guild
15Belgium - Belgian Mercenaries40 - 60Belgium - Belgian Fries
16Luxembourg - Team Lëtzebuerg 33 - 67Denmark - Denmark 1
17Germany - Rüstige Rentner52 - 48Norway - Team Norway #1
18Germany - 10 Fäuste für ein Hallelujah45 - 55Germany - Legio Franconia
19Czech Republic - Team Czech B32 - 68Switzerland - Switzerland 1
20Switzerland - Team Switzerland 250 - 50United Kingdom - The Real United Kingdom
21Belgium - Team Liége 50 - 50Germany - Hauptstadt Legionäre
22Germany - Betreutes Würfeln50 - 50Belgium - Brussels Fanatics
23Denmark - Teenage Mutant Ninethage Fanboys28 - 72Czech Republic - $wag
24Germany - Jenaer Fluffbunnies49 - 51Belgium - Les kets des Marolles
25Germany - Team Akistan28 - 72Germany - Northland Slayers
26Germany - Dreiradgang56 - 44Czech Republic - Czech Team C
27Germany - Drachenhort´s Revival Party50 - 50Germany - Team Oldschool
28Germany - Grimms Erben63 - 37Belgium - Knight of Ebene
29Netherlands - Team Holland 269 - 31Germany - Die fiesen Otternasen
30France - Privateers and Yeomen55 - 45Netherlands - Team Holland 3
31Germany - Oger und Lauch39 - 61Germany - Die Deichgrafen
32Germany - Privateer Poza Boyz45 - 55Spain - CRUAB
1Serbia - Team Serbia56 - 44Denmark - The Cassive M
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