
Opponents Points
Total Points
Total Opponents Points
Weighted Score
1Poland - The Phantom Menace35314750014261.006,8
2Italy - Italian Stallions3191815001374876,6
3Spain - New Team3281725001334875,1
4Russia - Russo Turisto3121885001393869,2
5Russia - Pokemon3091915001388857,8
6Poland - Revenge of the Sith3151855001321832,2
7Poland - Hardkor Riders3141865001325832,1
8Belarus - Team Belarus2842165001453825,3
9Germany - Team Germany 12852155001392793,4
10Belgium - Belgian Chocolates2812195001395784,0
11United Kingdom - England3021985001290779,2
12Poland - The Empire Strikes Back2962045001302770,8
13Germany - Team A2812195001362765,4
14Denmark - Denmark 22892115001310757,2
15Poland - Warsaw Residents2772235001317729,6
16Switzerland - Switzerland 12772235001309725,2
17Ukraine - Ukrainian Anchors2972035001209718,1
18Germany - Posaz Berlin2732275001291704,9
19Poland - Szybki Szpil2772235001268702,5
20Czech Republic - Team Czech A2802205001253701,7
21Denmark - Denmark 12712295001277692,1
22Ukraine - Ukraine 22702305001278690,1
23Germany - Rüstige Rentner2662345001253666,6
24Belgium - Belgian Fries2752255001202661,1
25Germany - This is Sparta2602405001269659,9
26France - MYLFS2432575001352657,1
27Poland - Return of the Jedi2432575001333647,8
28Spain - The Troll Team2502505001293646,5
29Netherlands - Team Holland 12752255001167641,8
30United Kingdom - The Real United Kingdom2412595001330641,1
31Germany - Bester Weigert2442565001312640,3
32Luxembourg - Team Lëtzebuerg 2642365001189627,8
33Germany - 10 Fäuste für ein Hallelujah2472535001267625,9
34Germany - Legio Franconia2562445001221625,2
35Belgium - Team Liége 2392615001271607,5
36Belgium - Belgian Mercenaries2272735001333605,2
37Germany - Hauptstadt Legionäre2502505001207603,5
38International - United Nations2272644911323600,6
39Czech Republic - $wag2502505001193596,5
40United Kingdom - London Wargaming Guild2332675001266590,0
41Czech Republic - Team Czech B2302705001264581,4
42Belgium - Brussels Fanatics2372635001198567,9
43Norway - Team Norway #12412595001161559,6
44Germany - Betreutes Würfeln2352655001176552,7
45Germany - Northland Slayers2342665001173549,0
46Germany - Jenaer Fluffbunnies2372635001137538,9
47Germany - Grimms Erben2282725001180538,1
48Belgium - Les kets des Marolles2372635001128534,7
49Switzerland - Team Switzerland 22322685001149533,1
50Netherlands - Team Holland 22322685001144530,8
51Denmark - Teenage Mutant Ninethage Fanboys2132875001224521,4
52Germany - Dreiradgang2092915001236516,6
53Czech Republic - Czech Team C2202805001134499,0
54Germany - Die Deichgrafen2062945001175484,1
55Germany - Die fiesen Otternasen1843165001308481,3
56Germany - Team Oldschool2202805001092480,5
57France - Privateers and Yeomen1993015001181470,0
58Germany - Drachenhort´s Revival Party2062945001126463,9
59Belgium - Knight of Ebene1963045001176461,0
60Germany - Team Akistan1993015001157460,5
61Netherlands - Team Holland 31953055001173457,5
62Germany - Privateer Poza Boyz1903105001169444,2
63Spain - CRUAB2032975001036420,6
64Denmark - The Cassive M1843165001136418,0
65Serbia - Team Serbia1793215001151412,1
66Germany - Oger und Lauch1653355001223403,6
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