PositionPlayerPrimary codexArmylistTotal pointsTotal opponents pointsDorner Points
1 Wojtek   Show 3711614,30667
2 Człowiek_Ruffian   Show 518414,28
3 Kosmakk The Trolls Show 469314,26
4 Werewolf   Show 409913,2
5 Adam Młynarczyk   Show 409712,93333
6 Potężny Karolczi The Black Gate opens Show 379511,71667
7 Johny   Show 397810,14
8 Leszczu   Show 181277,62
9 Filip Pichnar Minas Tirith Show 201127,466667
10 Liliana Niezgoda The Kingdom of Moria Show 39577,41
11 Karolina Myszor Arnor Show 22916,673333
12 Paweł   Show 191036,523334
13 Benek Moria Show 22846,16
14 Dawid   Show 20916,066667
15 Konrad O. Mordor Show 25463,833333
16 Przemysław Draga   Show 5671,116667