BlankAdepta SororitasAdeptus AstartesAdeptus CustodesAdeptus MechanicusAeldariAstra MilitarumAstra TelepathicaBlood AngelsChaos DaemonsChaos KnightsDark AngelsDeath GuardDeathwatchDrukhariGenestealer cultGrey KnightsHeretic AstartesImperial KnightsLeagues of VotannNecronsOrksQuestor TraitorisSpace WolvesT'au EmpireThousand sonsTyranids
Blank------------------0% (1)-100% (1)0% (1)-----
Adepta Sororitas--0% (1)--0% (1)0% (3)--100% (1)------100% (1)-0% (1)--0% (1)0% (1)----
Adeptus Astartes-100% (1)---0% (1)100% (2)-100% (1)100% (1)50% (2)0% (1)100% (1)-100% (1)----0% (1)0% (2)100% (1)--100% (2)0% (1)0% (1)
Adeptus Custodes----0% (1)33% (3)100% (2)--100% (2)-0% (2)50% (2)100% (1)100% (2)0% (2)-100% (2)50% (4)-0% (1)----100% (2)-
Adeptus Mechanicus---0% (1)-------------0% (1)0% (2)-100% (1)------
Aeldari-100% (1)100% (1)66% (3)--100% (1)50% (2)-100% (1)100% (1)0% (1)100% (1)0% (2)-0% (3)-0% (1)100% (5)100% (1)50% (4)--0% (1)-100% (1)0% (2)
Astra Militarum-66% (3)0% (2)0% (2)-0% (1)--0% (1)-----100% (3)0% (1)--100% (1)-0% (1)0% (1)-100% (1)0% (1)--
Astra Telepathica-----0% (2)---------0% (1)-----100% (2)-----
Blood Angels--0% (1)---100% (1)--------0% (1)--0% (1)--------
Chaos Daemons-0% (1)0% (1)0% (2)-0% (1)-------0% (1)---0% (1)50% (2)-------0% (1)
Chaos Knights--50% (2)--0% (1)---------0% (1)-----100% (1)-----
Dark Angels--100% (1)100% (2)-0% (1)---------0% (1)--0% (1)-----100% (1)-0% (2)
Death Guard--0% (1)50% (2)-0% (1)------------33% (3)--50% (2)----100% (1)
Deathwatch---0% (1)-100% (2)---100% (1)-----100% (1)--0% (1)-0% (1)100% (1)--100% (1)-0% (1)
Drukhari--0% (1)0% (2)--0% (3)---------0% (1)-100% (2)-0% (1)0% (2)0% (1)-100% (1)--
Genestealer cult---50% (2)-100% (3)0% (1)0% (1)100% (1)-100% (1)0% (1)-0% (1)---100% (2)100% (1)-100% (1)100% (1)--0% (1)100% (1)-
Grey Knights-0% (1)------------0% (1)---0% (1)0% (1)-0% (1)-----
Heretic Astartes---0% (2)100% (1)100% (1)---100% (1)-----0% (2)--0% (1)--------
Imperial Knights0% (1)100% (1)-50% (4)50% (2)0% (5)0% (1)-100% (1)50% (2)-0% (1)33% (3)100% (1)0% (2)0% (1)100% (1)0% (1)-100% (1)100% (1)100% (1)0% (2)-0% (2)33% (3)100% (1)
Leagues of Votann--0% (1)--0% (1)----------100% (1)-0% (1)------0% (1)-
Necrons0% (1)-100% (2)100% (1)0% (1)0% (4)100% (1)------0% (1)100% (1)0% (1)--0% (1)--50% (2)-0% (1)100% (1)33% (3)0% (1)
Orks0% (1)100% (1)0% (1)---100% (1)0% (2)--0% (1)-50% (2)0% (1)50% (2)0% (1)100% (1)-0% (1)-50% (2)---0% (1)--
Questor Traitoris-100% (1)------------100% (1)---100% (2)----0% (1)---
Space Wolves-----0% (1)0% (1)-------------100% (1)-100% (1)-0% (1)--
T'au Empire--0% (2)---0% (1)----0% (1)-0% (1)0% (1)0% (1)--50% (2)-0% (1)100% (1)-0% (1)-0% (1)-
Thousand sons--100% (1)0% (2)-0% (1)---------0% (1)--66% (3)100% (1)33% (3)---100% (1)--
Tyranids--100% (1)--50% (2)---0% (1)-100% (2)0% (1)100% (1)----0% (1)-100% (1)------