PositionPlayerPrimary codexArmylistPointsTotal opponents pointsDorner Points
1 Garradon   Show 4072 9,6
2 Lanius Kruleboyz Show 27105 9,45
3 Romanofski Flesh Eater Courts Show 3566 7,7
4 Florian Fyreslayers Show 2773 6,57
5 Méfilia Kruleboyz Show 3544 5,133333
6 Abboth Ironjawz Show 3045 4,5
7 Panzak Nurgle Show 2258 4,253334
8 Promochampy   Show 2355 4,216667
9 Julian Sons of Behemat Show 3136 3,72
10 Quentin JOB Skaventide Show 1570 3,5
11 Teksen Slaves to Darkness Show 1665 3,466667
12 Napalm Gloomspite Gitz Show 1285 3,4
13 Theirn Idoneth Deepkin Show 1542 2,1
14 Ash Stormcast Eternals Show 1829 1,74
15 Bigdaddy_135 Sylvaneth Show 569 1,15
16 savager57   Show 1916 1,013333
17 Ben Khorne Show 362 0,62
18 Séphora Slaanesh Show 718 0,42
19 Florent KREMPP Daughters of Khaine Show 119 0,33
20 Julien Slaves to Darkness Show 911 0,33
21 Goupille   Show 182 0,12
22 Singe sur Planche Stormcast Eternals Show 218 0,12
23 Rambuto Fyreslayers Show 034 0
24 Olaff3 Sylvaneth Show 029 0
25 Le Roi des Mouettes Sons of Behemat Show 00 0
26 Untereiner Justin Seraphon Show 00 0
27 Steff Gloomspite Gitz Show 00 0
28 Terasta Idoneth Deepkin Show 00 0